Supplier evaluation
The three questions all print customers should ask at a supplier review meeting
Do you ever play charades?
In case any of you do not know the game, one person has to act out a book or a film or a character. Everyone else has to guess who they are. The actor can only signal yes or no.
If you want to win this game, you need to choose your questions carefully. The right questions can get you swift results. The wrong questions can leave you wondering was on earth was being acted.
Questioning is a vital skill for print buyers too.
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How to avoid the Abba effect with your print suppliers
Do you like Abba?
Personally, I can’t stand them! However, I know that many people disagree with me. My wife thinks that Abba are great.
I, of course, think that she is wrong! But that is just my subjective opinion. I have no way of proving this. Proving one’s opinions can be a big issue when measuring suppliers.
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Why a seven-stage appraisal meeting ensures you choose the right print supplier (and get the meeting done quickly)
Have you ever suffered long and boring presentations from print sales people? And at the end of the day, did you find that they never really told you what you wanted to know? When I used to meet new suppliers for the first time I often used to struggle with this. I often used to find that the sales people didn’t really know what I wanted.
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How to stop nasty surprises from your print suppliers: why you need realistic supplier references
My daughter loves watching Dumbo at the moment. She loves it when the cartoon elephant flaps his ears and takes off into the sky.
But, let’s face it, elephants don’t fly. Dumbo is the invention of a storyteller. He isn’t a realistic elephant. But he is like some of the references I have seen for print companies.
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How three questions will ensure you choose the right print supplier
A friend of mine was really disappointed recently.
They had chosen a new phone. And when the phone arrived it didn’t have some of the functionality that my friend expected. My friend was sure that they would be able to sort their e-mails in the way that they wanted. And this wasn’t the case at all.
If only my friend had asked the right questions before choosing their phone.
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Recent Blog Comments
- Rebecca Gardner on How eight simple questions can prevent you choosing the wrong print supplier
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- Nomi on Three reasons why print buyers should challenge supplier choice
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