Print job

Why print buyers get better prices when they pick up the phone

Using the phone will improve your response from companies

Using the phone will improve your response from printers

Don’t you hate those automatic phone menus.  The ones where you listen to a long list of options and still can’t work out which button to press?  The ones where is seems to take forever to get past.

Don’t you just wish you could speak to a real person instead?

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Could you achieve more from your print buying if you stopped getting three quotes for every job?

Friday night is curry night

Martin always goes for a curry on a Friday night.  Martin always goes to the same curry house.  And he always chooses lamb saag. It has never occurred to Martin to go for a pizza, or fish and chips, or a Thai or a Chinese.  It has never occurred to him to try a korma or a jalfrezi or a tandoori.  Martin has never even wanted to try a different curry house. Martin knows what he likes.  He is comfortable with it.  Some might say that he is a bit too comfortable and a bit too set in his ways.

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