price matrices
Three things that you must not forget when you ask for a print price
I purchased a book online the other day. I was really looking forward to receiving it and getting stuck into it. Each day I was eagerly awaiting my postman. But the days rolled on. And on. And on.
Fortunately online order tracking meant that my book was eventually found and delivered. But can you imagine what would have happened if I hadn’t supplied the right information?
My book would have been lost in the postal systems forever…
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Avoid getting the wrong print prices: why buyers need to use signposting
Can you imagine trying to drive somewhere without proper directions?
Most print sales people need to visit a lot of new places every month. Imagine doing this without satnav. Imagine doing this without maps. Or road signs.
Chances are you’d end up very lost. You’d probably be late for your appointment.
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Why print buyers should think like cyclists (and work late less often)
I was delighted when Team GB did so well at the Olympics. It seems that British cycling has really entered a golden period.
But this success hasn’t come by chance. It has happened because the team have been constantly looking at how they do things. They have been regularly challenging what they do and how they do it. This is what has created their success.
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How a QR matrix can save print buyers over an hour a day
Do you ever assemble flatpack furniture? I don’t know about you, but I often struggle to
work out what piece goes where. Thank goodness that they have standard bolts and screws. Can you imagine the confusion if each one was different?
But often every print quote we receive is slightly different. Making them all the same can save the print buyer a lot of time. And that’s where the QR matrix comes in.
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Why tenders should be an essential part of the print buyer’s toolset
The word tender conjures up visions of procurement teams in large organisations dealing with multi-million spends. They create huge tender documents and spend months in negotiations. There are teams which deal with nothing but tenders. Tenders aren’t for the average company
Nothing could be further from the truth.
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Recent Blog Comments
- Rebecca Gardner on How eight simple questions can prevent you choosing the wrong print supplier
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- Nomi on Three reasons why print buyers should challenge supplier choice
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