Purchasing Audit
Does your company suffer from any of the following issues?
- Difficulty in reducing costs?
- Concern at whether you are achieving the most competitive print prices?
- Worry at whether you are using appropriate suppliers?
- Frustration at the resource and time taken for purchasing?
The Print & Procurement purchasing audit has been designed to provide a swift but thorough overview from a highly experienced purchasing professional on opportunities to make purchasing at your company more cost-effective, whether this is through changing process, altering strategy or reviewing suppliers.
By the end of the process, your company will understand what savings can be achieved through:
- Understanding company spend
- Creating a purchasing policy and strategy
- Ensuring that best price is obtained and appropriate suppliers approached for jobs
- More efficient ordering techniques
This process is aimed at all printers. It will be particularly useful to companies which do not have a centralised procurement function.
The audit will cover:
- Review of procurement strategy
- Investigation of purchasing personnel structure, supply base and supplier management systems and recommendations for opportunities
- Review of specification
- Examination of most common products and recommendations for cost savings by changing specifications
- Review of ordering process
- Investigation of ordering process and recommendations for opportunities. Review of stock-holding strategies.
Following the print audit, Print & Procurement will also be available to provide:
Staff training
- Assistance with tender creation and management
- Creation of supplier management processes and systems