Practical Customer Management

Does your company suffer from any of the following issues?

  • Difficulty with creating a productive relationship with customers?
  • Frustration at customers not doing what you thought they were going to do?
  • Anxiety at how to keep track of how your customers are performing?
  • Concern that disputes have not been dealt with effectively?

This course has been designed to ensure participants become confident in customer management. It equips attendees with a suitable framework and range of tools and methodologies in order to achieve effective management of clients.

In the experience of Print & Procurement, few print companies have any form of customer management in place. Attendees’ companies will gain by being able to manage their customers more profitably.

By the end of the day candidates will be able to:

  • Manage internal and customer expectations
  • Set customers clear goals throughout the relationship
  • Measure customer performance in an efficient manner
  • Resolve disputes swiftly and realistically
  • Allocate the right amount of management time to each customer

Print & Procurement has widespread experience of purchasing. This means that participants will be able to discuss real-life situations with a trainer who can understand the challenges of purchasing and offer relevant advice.

This course is aimed at staff that have a customer management role, particularly sales and customer services account handlers.

This is a full day course. Attendance is limited to a maximum of eight participants. This ensures that all candidates receive suitable personal attention and feedback throughout the course.

Here’s the workshop agenda:

Why manage customers

  • The manufacturing environment
  • What the client should expect from the supplier
  • What the supplier should expect from the client
  • The right relationship length


  • Different formats of communication
  • Proactive vs. reactive
  • Bonding with the client
  • Structured discussions

Setting the correct service level

  • A commercial or legal agreement?
  • Service level requirements
  • Ensuring the service level agreement is measurable and enforceable

Customer reviews

  • Systems to ensure the review is worthwhile
  • Setting the agenda
  • Following on from the review

Customer measurement

  • Why measure customers
  • Setting key performance indicators
  • Measuring key performance indicators
  • Using the results
  • Making sure it happens

Resolving disputes

  • Dispute escalation ladders
  • Obtaining the facts
  • Resolution strategies
  • Dealing with internal issues

Creating a customer management strategy

  • Measuring customers to the appropriate level
  • Delegation and relationships
  • Using information internally

Prior to the course candidates will be asked to send information giving an overview of the customer management challenges that they face and on what they hope to achieve from the course. This can be fed back to management if requested. Advice on specific purchasing issues can be given to participants upon request.

At the end of the course participants will be asked to fill in an action plan of how they intend to change their supplier management as a result of the course and this can be fed back to management if requested.

For further information
Please contact Matthew Parker at Print & Procurement on 0845 6521572