Print Audit
Does your company suffer from any of the following issues?
- Difficulty in reducing print costs?
- Concern at whether you are achieving the most competitive print prices?
- Worry at whether you are using appropriate suppliers?
- Frustration at the resource and time taken to purchase print?
- Disappointment at not reproducing the correct corporate brand?
The Print & Procurement print audit has been designed to provide a swift but thorough overview from a highly experienced print professional on opportunities to make print purchasing at your company more cost-effective, whether this is through changing process, altering specification or reviewing suppliers.
By the end of the process, your company will understand what savings can be achieved through:
- Standardising product specifications and schedules
- Ensuring that best price is obtained and appropriate suppliers approached for jobs
- Process efficiency and potential headcount reduction in ordering and artwork management
- Implementation of the latest e-sourcing techniques
This process is aimed at all companies that purchase printed collateral. Typical sectors that may benefit from this service will include legal companies, financial services providers, leisure industry chains such as hotels and sports clubs and companies that use direct mail.
It will be particularly useful to companies which do not have a centralised print procurement function.
The audit will cover:
- Review of procurement strategy
- Investigation of purchasing team structure, supply base and supplier management systems and recommendations for opportunities
- Review of specification
- Examination of most common products and recommendations for cost savings by changing specifications and opportunities for improved scheduling of production
- Review of ordering and artwork supply process
- Investigation of ordering process and production of artwork and recommendations for opportunities, particularly with regard to e-procurement and digital asset management
- Price benchmarking
- Review of current pricing of most common products against current market
A recent price benchmarking study undertaken by Print & Procurement at a publisher highlighted cost savings of over 30% on some of their products. Additional savings of up to 13% were shown to exist if specifications were changed.
A recent price benchmarking study undertaken by Print & Procurement at a large national advertising agency highlighted cost savings of nearly 30% on some of their products through a mixture of highlighting correct market pricing and targeting printers with more appropriate presses for the required jobs.
Following the print audit, Print & Procurement will also be available to provide:
- Staff training
- Further assistance with specification/more economic production
- Assistance with tender creation
- Implementation of e-procurement/web to print systems and relevant processes (some of this may need to be done via another consultant but I am can source these easily)
- Creation of supplier management processes and systems