Monthly Archives: January 2014
Three reasons why print buyers should challenge supplier choice
My daughter was about to burst into tears
I had asked her what flavor of ice cream she would like. She gave me the same answer that she always did. “I want chocolate please, Daddy” she had said. But the shop had sold out of chocolate. In her eyes this was a major crisis.
Using my best powers of persuasion, I managed to get her to accept a strawberry ice cream instead.
The response was amazing! The tears vanished. A massive smile crossed her face. She was in love with strawberry ice cream. Now chocolate is forgotten, and she always chooses strawberry instead.
My daughter’s reluctance to try new flavours before this meant that she had missed many opportunities to enjoy strawberry ice cream. It can be the same with print buyers. Sometimes we stay in our comfort zones. That means we miss out on the opportunity to try new and better solutions.
That’s why print buyers should always challenge their supplier base
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- Rebecca Gardner on How eight simple questions can prevent you choosing the wrong print supplier
- Kannan K on Three reasons why print buyers should challenge supplier choice
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- Nomi on Three reasons why print buyers should challenge supplier choice
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