Monthly Archives: October 2013
Three specification questions that can reduce the cost of printed items by over 30%
The print industry is dying
There are huge amounts of overcapacity. Printing companies are tendering suicidal prices.
So all a print buyer has to do is to keep pushing, pushing, pushing on price. They will have no problem in keeping to even the smallest budget.
Actually, that is very far from the truth.
Costs are rising. The number of printing companies that have failed recently means that capacity is not as plentiful as it was. If a buyer thinks that buying price is easy they need to think again.
A much easier way to reduce costs is to challenge specification
Three questions print buyers must use to challenge process and prevent 30-address syndrome
Can you imagine writing the same address over 30 times?
Wouldn’t it be a complete waste of your time? Aren’t there are so many better things you could be doing?
Incredibly, this amount of repetition still exists within businesses. I recently visited a printing company. They had carried out a review of their processes. And, yes, they found out that they were rewriting addresses up to 30 times.
Everyone was amazed by these results. No one had realised just how much duplication was being carried out.
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Recent Blog Comments
- Rebecca Gardner on How eight simple questions can prevent you choosing the wrong print supplier
- Kannan K on Three reasons why print buyers should challenge supplier choice
- Blanca San German on How supplier evaluation forms prevent wasted meetings with print sales people
- Nomi on Three reasons why print buyers should challenge supplier choice
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