Monthly Archives: July 2012

How supplier evaluation forms prevent wasted meetings with print sales people

Have you ever sat in a meeting with a supplier staring at the clock?  Have you ever wished the meeting would end quickly?  And regretted ever having agreed to it in the first place?

This used to happen to me quite a few times.  A supplier would ring me up.  They would sound interesting.  So I’d invite them in for a chat.  And I would then find myself enduring a lengthy sales pitch.  Even though I had realised in the first five minutes of the meeting that the supplier was not going to be a fit for what I needed.

Now I never have pointless meetings like this.  And that’s because I find out lots about potential suppliers before I meet with them.  I make sure I already know how they work.  And exactly what they offer.

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Why the 1-2-3-4 method prevents wasted time in choosing the right print supplier

Do you like rock music?

Do you remember the Ramones?

The Ramones were known for their short songs, their lightening pace and the fact that they counted in every song with a “1-2-3-4”.

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