Monthly Archives: March 2012

Print buyers: the three vital things to look for in a multi-channel printer

I love technology!

I have recently been learning how to use iMovie.  I have been amazed at how easy it was to create my first movie.  Just a few drags and clicks and I had an MP4 of my trekking holiday in Norway al set to music.

The trouble is that I have all the right tools.  But I am not a great movie maker.  I have a friend who is a corporate film maker.  I wouldn’t dare to compare my efforts to his.  But many people think they can achieve the right results just because they have the right software.

And it’s the same with printers.

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Three reasons why print buyers should use a multi-channel printer

I love cooking.

I really enjoy spending time creating a mouth-watering dish.  But doing the shopping for this can be very time-consuming.  I have to go from shop to shop to make sure that I have all the right ingredients.

But the quick way to get all my ingredients is to go to a supermarket.  Then I can do a one stop shop.

And a one stop shop is exactly what marketing teams and print buyers should consider.  These days they should be look closely at using a multi-channel printer.

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